1·Good photographs posted on the web now reach potential buyers all over the world.
2·The expedition went door to door among homes propped up on stilts to reach potential speakers of those little-known languages.
3·For instance, if you are trying to reach potential home buyers in Sarasota, Florida, then you must make it clear that your site is about real estate in Sarasota.
4·A mobile website needs good mobile SEO and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) such as Google mobile AdWords in order to reach potential customers looking for accommodations in your location.
手机网站需要好的手机搜索引擎优化和搜索引擎营销,比如Google Mobile AdWords,来触及在你的地区寻找推荐信息的潜在客户。
5·The nutritional and health crises that followed the policy of structural adjustment, he says, led to many children and teenagers failing to reach their full potential in terms of height.
6·You do research, trying to determine which media will reach the most potential customers for the lowest cost.
7·That sounds like an opportunity for the stations — they can now reach a larger potential audience for advertisers.
8·These are 101 maxims on how to be your best self and reach your full potential in a society that forces you to conform.
9·And no country can reach its potential if it ignores the abilities of half its people, women and girls.
10·However, without the necessary learning resources, these efforts cannot reach their full potential.